
Literary Genres


All Fiction


Texts composed in verse or prose, normally used for representations for theater performance, where conflicts and emotions are strong, deep and get the audience in full attention because of the writing style.


Story with animals as characters and a moral value as a center to show and teach.

Fairy Tale

Story about fairies or other magical creatures, just for fun or entertainment.


Fiction stories with strange scenarios and settings that represent life in other worlds or eras that are not real.


Style that goes with things that are not real and leads to the imagination of the reader.

Fiction in Verse

Novels with plot, themes, characters, in which the narrative is presented in verse.


Songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of people, tows, cities are called "folk", all that in words.

Historical Fiction

Story with fictional characters and events in a historical setting.


Fiction in which events evoke fear feelings in both the characters and the reader.


Texts of fun stories meant to entertain.


Stories of important people that goes beyond reality in order to show them as very important people, some kind of heroes and also includes imaginative material.


Fiction full of mysteries and secrets surrounding the characters..


Legend or traditional narrative that normally tells the life and adventures of gods.


Verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that usually is used to share feelings.

Realistic Fiction

Story that can actually happen but it is false in real life.

Science Fiction

Story based on impact of potential science, usually set in the future or on other planets or galaxies.

Short Story

Fiction story shorter than a novel with introduction, body and conclusion.

Tall Tale

Humorous story with exaggerations and heroes who do the impossible.

All Nonfiction


Narrative of a real person's life.


A composition that shows the view point of the author.

Narrative Nonfiction

True facts presented in a format which tells a story.


Literary text showing with an actual, real-life subject.


Public address or discourse.